Sunday, November 13, 2016

Test Dogs Series 1 Land Triple

Test Dog

Came to the line at 6:47 am
Completed 6:53 am

FC AFC Greenwing Tall Timber “Krumz”, LM Handler: Craig Stonesifer DVM

Flyer: Straight to the bird

Middle Retired: took off on a path to the right of the mound traveled behind the holding blind and hunted up the bird.

Left Retired: traveled toward the fall area made a couple passes in the area to retrieve the bird.

6 mins to complete

Came to the line at 6:53 am

AFC Kerryburke’s Marsh Madness - “Maddie”, LF Handler: Misty Melo

Flyer: ran deep of the area made a quick swing toward the bird to make the retrieve

MR: traveled a straight path off of the levee, arrived in the area between the two retired marks, and then had her bird.

LR: Maddie was hard charging thru the field and got very deep of the fall area and was Handled to the bird to complete the test.